Jinx Manga Summary

Kim Dan, an unemployed physical therapist struggling financially and tending to an ailing grandmother, lives a difficult life. To escape his troubles and break his “jinx”, Jaekyung Joo, an intimidating yet charismatic Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighter believes he needs help breaking free from it by hiring Kim Dan to be part of his pre-fight ritual, thus inviting Kim Dan into their world unknowingly.
As the two characters spend more time together, their story delve into their tumultuous histories, emotional vulnerabilities and developing relationship. Jaekyung’s harsh personality stands in stark contrast with Kim Dan’s kind and quiet nature causing moments of tension and growth for both characters.
The series explores themes of power dynamics, consent and healing with romance, drama and psychological depth all mixed into an engaging experience.

Survival and Struggle: Kim Dan’s hardships highlight the challenges of poverty and caring for a loved one in dire health.
Power Dynamics: The relationship between Jaekyung and Kim Dan examines control, vulnerability, and trust.
Healing and Redemption: Both characters embark on emotional journeys of healing, addressing past traumas and misunderstandings.
Art Style:
The manga features highly detailed and expressive artwork, with intense emotions captured through character expressions and body language. The fight scenes are dynamic and thrilling, adding depth to Jaekyung’s MMA world.
“Jinx” has garnered a dedicated fanbase due to its compelling narrative, nuanced characters, and tension-filled romance. However, it also sparks debates regarding its portrayal of certain sensitive topics.

All Jinx Manga Chapters